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Create an Account

Please choose from our registration options:

Contact Your Agency

Please contact your agency directly or, if you don't know how, find its information on the map below. This map can be used to find agencies that accept FPC online training. (Some affiliated agencies will cover the cost of training or reimburse for completed training, while others will require individuals to pay for training themselves.)

Attention! Your form submission had the following problem:

Your Contact Information
Can I add a partner?

Foster Parent College is focused on the safety of the child. We realize most foster parents are honest and invite training to help with the raising of the child, yet we want to ensure to the agency and the court that both resource parents (to the best of our knowledge) have completed the training.

Shared accounts are no longer available for self-registered users. Your partner needs to register a separate account, using a unique email address.

Your email address will become your unique login ID. You need to have access to this email account in order to complete this account registration.

Re-enter your email address to confirm there are no typos.

A phone number to contact you if there are account registration problems.

Set Your Password

Acceptable passwords should have at least one number, one special symbol, and be 8 to 20 characters. Passwords are case sensitive and cannot contain spaces. The available special symbols are: !@#$%^&*+()=

Re-enter your password to confirm there are no typos.

A confirmation message will be sent to your email address. Follow the simple instructions in the message to complete the registration.

Partnership opportunities with FPC

Please fill out this application for Agency Account and/or Affiliate Listing

Items marked with are required.

Note: If opting in to be listed on the affiliate map, the below information will be shown on your listing.

Note: if opting in to be listed on the affiliate map, the following information will be used to place your agency in the correct location(s) on the FPC Affiliate Map.

Note: If you are opting-in to be listed on the FPC affiliate map, the following contact information will not be shared publically.

My agency agrees to accept training towards the annual training requirements for our clients.
My agency would like to accept referrals.

Attention! Your form submission had the following problem:

Your Contact Information
Can I add a partner?

Foster Parent College is focused on the safety of the child. We realize most foster parents are honest and invite training to help with the raising of the child, yet we want to ensure to the agency and the court that both resource parents (to the best of our knowledge) have completed the training.

Shared accounts are no longer available for self-registered users. Your partner needs to register a separate account, using a unique email address.

Your email address will become your unique login ID. You need to have access to this email account in order to complete this account registration.

Re-enter your email address to confirm there are no typos.

A phone number to contact you if there are account registration problems.

Set Your Password

Acceptable passwords should have at least one number, one special symbol, and be 8 to 20 characters. Passwords are case sensitive and cannot contain spaces. The available special symbols are: !@#$%^&*+()=

Re-enter your password to confirm there are no typos.

A confirmation message will be sent to your email address. Follow the simple instructions in the message to complete the registration.